Jangan Pernah Putus Asa! Simak Lirik Lagu "Spirit of Hope" Milik Symphony Worship yang Akan Membuat Kita Bersemangat

Symphony Worship (Sumber : Pinterest)

LABVIRAL.COM- Lagu Spirit of Hope yang dinyanyikan oleh Symphony Worship grup ini beranggotakan enam orang personel diantaranya adalah Ivan Handojo, Nicholas Sarasta, Josephine Widia, Theresia Fasya, Devina Wola, dan Jonathan Fernando yang berposisi sebagai Singers.

Selain itu ada musisi-musisi seperti Ivan Tangkulung, Alisan Jaya, Wiliam Lee, Jonathan Fandra, Wawan Lee, Christofer Tjandra, Gavin Christiantoro, Chris Imanuel, dan juga tim choir dari GBU The City Tower Jakarta.

Baca Juga: Masuk ke dalam Album Bertajuk "Intimate Legacy", Begini Lirik Lagu Layaklah Segala Bangsa (Sujud KepadaMu)

Spirit of Hope ini merupakan salah satu single dari salah satu album karya Symphony Worship. Album kedua milik Symphony Worship ini bertajuk “New Hope” dirilis pada 2018 dengan berisikan 13 buah single didalamnya.

Lagu Spirit of Hope sendiri dirilis pada 4 November 2018 di Channel YouTube Official Symphony Worship.  Pada album ini Symphony Worship percaya bahwa pada album ini orang-orang yang mencari harapan akan menemukan The Hope yang tidak akan pernah putus asa.

Berikut lirik lagu Symphony Worship – Spirit of Hope :

I set my eyes upon Your feet, O Jesus
I set my heart responding to Your love
I cast my fear and surrender all to You
Lord, here I worship You

Baca Juga: Kasih Sayang Ibu Sepanjang Masa, Seperti Lirik Sholawat Ummi Tsumma Ummi yang Dinyanyikan Alfina Nindiyani Ini

Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
As I worship You


I set my eyes upon Your feet, O Jesus
I set my heart responding to Your love
I cast my fear and surrender all to You
Lord, here I worship You

Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
As I worship You

Baca Juga: Ini Dia Lirik Lagu OST Stand By Me "Himawari no Yakusoku" Milik Motohiro Hata

Let this be a cry from my heart
Pouring out as sacrifice of praise
Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
In my surrender
Let this be a sweet song to You
Let this be the most that I can give
Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
For You my king
Let this be a cry from my heart
Pouring out as sacrifice of praise
Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
In my surrender
Let this be a sweet song to You
Let this be the most that I can give
Oh, let this be a worship from my heart
For You my king

Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
Oh, how I need Your presence, Lord
How I need Your presence, Lord
Spirit of hope, draw me closer to You, Lord
Spirit of life, flowing into my heart
As I worship You

Editor : Rozi Kurnia

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