Dilansir LabViral dari berbagai sumber, berikut kumpulan ucapan Hari Raya Idul Adha bahasa Inggris atau Lebaran Haji 2023 yang bisa kamu ucapkan 29 Juni 2023 mendatang.
1. Eid al-Adha is our moment to ask Allah SWT for strength and patience. Hopefully we can emulate the Prophet Ibrahim. Happy Eid al-Adha 1444 H.
2. Let's welcome Eid al-Adha 1444 H with high spirit. May we always be a great human beings.
3. Happy Eid al-Adha 1444 H. We should use this sacred moment to share happiness with those in need.
4. Dear friend, happy Eid al-Adha Mubarak 2023 to you all! May Allah grace you and your family with His heavenly blessings in this Happy day!
Baca Juga: Semangat Berkurban dan Raih Kebahagiaan, Ini 10 Ucapan Hari Raya Idul Adha 2023
5. Happy Eid al-Adha 1444 H. May happiness and peace embrace your life on this Eid al-Adha.
6. Have a blessed Eid al-Adha! May the eternal peace from heaven embrace your life on this day and fill it with uncountable blessings. Amin.
7. A time for joy, a time for togetherness, a time to remember the blessings. May Allah SWT bless you.
8. May the eternal peace from heaven embrace your life on this Eid Al Adha and fill it with uncountable blessings.
Editor : Arief Munandar