Dilansir LabViral dari berbagai sumber, berikut kumpulan ucapan Hari Raya Idul Adha bahasa Inggris atau Lebaran Haji 2023 yang bisa kamu ucapkan 29 Juni 2023 mendatang.
1. May this Eid al-Adha brings peace, happiness, and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak.
2. I pray to Allah that he answer all your prayer and give you the strength to fulfill your dreams. May this Eid bring you joy in your life. Happy Eid al-Adha.
3. On Eidul Adha, wishing that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers are answered by Allah. Have a blesses Eid al-Adha!
Baca Juga: Ide Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1444 Dalam Bahasa Inggris
4. May your sincere prayers be answered. Eid al-Adha Mubarak to you and your loved ones.
5. Happy Eid al-Adha Wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid.
6. Happy Eid al-Adha 1444 H. May the guidance and mercy of Allah SWT always pour out on you and your family.
7. Eid al-Adha is a moment of unity, offering and love between people in a special way. Sacrificial meat is distributed at this celebration. Happy Eid Al-Adha 1444 H!
8. Eid al-Adha Mubarak! Wishing you a joyous and blessed Eid al-Adha with lots of laughter, joy, and good health! Happy Eid al-Adha 1444 H!
Editor : Arief Munandar