Build Angela Tersakit 2023, Cocok Bagi Pemain Mobile Legends yang Berjiwa Barbar

Angela Mobile Legends (Repro/Moonton)

4. Ice Queen Wand

Ice Queen Wand

5. Glowing Wand

Glowing Wand

6. Divine Glaive

Divine Glaive

7. Necklace of Durance (item cadangan)

Necklace of Durance

8. Immortality (Item Cadangan)


Baca Juga: 3 Hero Counter Hero Lunox Mobile Legends Terbaik yang Patut Kamu Coba

Rekomendasi Build Emblem Angela Tersakit 2023

1. Custom Mage Emblem

2. Inspire

3. Bargain Hunter

4. Lethal Ignition

Emblem Angela Tersakit 2023Emblem Angela Tersakit 2023

Battle Spell

1. Sprint

Battle Spell Sprint


Editor : Arief Munandar

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